Source code for edflow.tf_util

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

[docs]def make_linear_var( step, start, end, start_value, end_value, clip_min=None, clip_max=None, **kwargs ): r""" Linear from :math:`(a, \alpha)` to :math:`(b, \beta)`, i.e. :math:`y = (\beta - \alpha)/(b - a) * (x - a) + \alpha` Parameters ---------- step : tf.Tensor :math:`x` start : int :math:`a` end : int :math:`b` start_value : float :math:`\alpha` end_value : float :math:`\beta` clip_min : int Minimal value returned. clip_max : int Maximum value returned. Returns ------- :math:`y` : tf.Tensor """ if clip_min is None: clip_min = min(start_value, end_value) if clip_max is None: clip_max = max(start_value, end_value) delta_value = end_value - start_value delta_step = end - start linear = ( delta_value / delta_step * (tf.cast(step, tf.float32) - start) + start_value ) return tf.clip_by_value(linear, clip_min, clip_max)
[docs]def make_periodic_step(step, start_step: int, period_duration_in_steps: int, **kwargs): """ Returns step within the unit period cycle specified Parameters ---------- step: tf.Tensor step variable start_step : int an offset parameter specifying when the first period begins period_duration_in_steps : int period duration of step Returns ------- unit_step step within unit cycle period """ step = tf.to_float(step) unit_step = step - start_step unit_step = tf.clip_by_value(unit_step, 0.0, unit_step) unit_step = tf.mod(unit_step, period_duration_in_steps) return unit_step
[docs]def make_exponential_var(step, start, end, start_value, end_value, decay, **kwargs): r""" Exponential from :math:`(a, \alpha)` to :math:`(b, \beta)` with decay rate decay. Parameters ---------- step : tf.Tensor :math:`x` start : int :math:`a` end : int :math:`b` start_value : float :math:`\alpha` end_value : float :math:`\beta` decay : int Decay rate Returns ------- :math:`y` : tf.Tensor """ startstep = start endstep = (np.log(end_value) - np.log(start_value)) / np.log(decay) stepper = make_linear_var(step, start, end, startstep, endstep) return tf.math.pow(decay, stepper) * start_value
[docs]def make_staircase_var( step, start, start_value, step_size, stair_factor, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0, **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- step : tf.Tensor :math:`x` start : int :math:`a` start_value : float :math:`\alpha` step_size: int after how many steps the value should be changed stair_factor: float factor that the value is multiplied with at every 'step_size' steps clip_min : int Minimal value returned. clip_max : int Maximum value returned. Returns ------- :math:`y` : tf.Tensor """ stair_case = ( stair_factor ** ((tf.cast(step, tf.float32) - start) // step_size) * start_value ) stair_case_clipped = tf.clip_by_value(stair_case, clip_min, clip_max) return stair_case_clipped
[docs]def make_periodic_wrapper(step_function): """ A wrapper to wrap the step variable of a step function into a periodic step variable. Parameters ---------- step_function: callable the step function where to exchange the step variable with a periodic step variable Returns ------- a function with periodic steps """ def make_periodic_xxx_var(step, **kwargs): new_step = make_periodic_step(step, **kwargs) return step_function(new_step, **kwargs) return make_periodic_xxx_var
[docs]def make_var(step, var_type, options): r""" Example ------- usage within trainer .. code-block:: python grad_weight = make_var(step=self.global_step, var_type=self.config["grad_weight"]["var_type"], options=self.config["grad_weight"]["options"]) within yaml file .. code-block:: yaml grad_weight: var_type: linear options: start: 50000 end: 60000 start_value: 0.0 end_value: 1.0 clip_min: 1.0e-6 clip_max: 1.0 Parameters ---------- step: tf.Tensor scalar tensor variable var_type: str a string from ["linear", "exponential", "staircase"] options: dict keyword arguments passed to specific 'make_xxx_var' function Returns ------- :math:`y` : tf.Tensor """ switch = { "linear": make_linear_var, "exponential": make_exponential_var, "staircase": make_staircase_var, "periodic_linear": make_periodic_wrapper(make_linear_var), "periodic_staircase": make_periodic_wrapper(make_staircase_var), } return switch[var_type](step=step, **options)
if __name__ == "__main__": tf.enable_eager_execution() import seaborn as sns sns.set() from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import pprint N = 10000 t = tf.range(0, N) schedule_config = { "var_type": "linear", "options": { "start": 2000, "end": 3000, "start_value": 0.0, "end_value": 1.0, "clip_min": 1.0e-6, "clip_max": 1.0, }, } pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) scheduled_variable = make_var( t, schedule_config["var_type"], schedule_config["options"] ) textstr = pp.pformat(schedule_config["options"]) sns.lineplot(t, scheduled_variable, label=textstr) ax = plt.gca() ax.legend(frameon=True, fontsize=16) ### schedule_config = { "var_type": "periodic_linear", "options": { "start": 0, "end": 1000, "start_value": 0.0, "end_value": 1.0, "clip_min": 1.0e-6, "clip_max": 1.0, "start_step": 4999, "period_duration_in_steps": 2000, }, } pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) scheduled_variable = make_var( t, schedule_config["var_type"], schedule_config["options"] ) textstr = pp.pformat(schedule_config["options"]) sns.lineplot(t, scheduled_variable, label=textstr) ax = plt.gca() ax.legend(frameon=True, fontsize=16, loc=1) ### schedule_config = { "var_type": "periodic_staircase", "options": { "start": 0, "start_value": 1.0, "step_size": 1000, "stair_factor": 10, "clip_min": 1.0, "clip_max": 1.0e3, "start_step": 1000, "period_duration_in_steps": 4000, }, } pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) scheduled_variable = make_var( t, schedule_config["var_type"], schedule_config["options"] ) textstr = pp.pformat(schedule_config["options"]) sns.lineplot(t, scheduled_variable, label=textstr) ax = plt.gca() ax.legend(frameon=True, fontsize=16, loc=1) ## TODO: make this nice with some annotations ### schedule_config = { "var_type": "staircase", "options": { "start": 0, "start_value": 1.0, "step_size": 1000, "stair_factor": 10, "clip_min": 1.0, "clip_max": 1.0e3, "start_step": 1000, "period_duration_in_steps": 4000, }, } pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) scheduled_variable = make_var( t, schedule_config["var_type"], schedule_config["options"] ) textstr = pp.pformat(schedule_config["options"]) sns.lineplot(t, scheduled_variable, label=textstr) ax = plt.gca() ax.legend(frameon=True, fontsize=16, loc=1)