Data Sets and Batching


edflow is pretty much built around your data. At the core of every training or evaluation is the data, that is utilized. Through edflow it is easier than ever to reuse data sets, give them additional features or prepare them for evaluation.

To begin with, you have to inherit from a data set call from e.g. DatasetMixin. Each class comes with practical features that save code and are (or should) be tested thoroughly.

Every Dataset class must include the methods get_example(self, idx), where idx is an int, and __len__(self). __len__(self) returns the length of your data set i.e. the number of images. Later on, one epoch is defined as iterating through all indices from 0 to __len__(self)__-1.

get_example(self, index) gets the current index as argument. Normally, these indices are drawn at random but every index is used once in an epoch, which makes for nice, evenly distributed data. The method must return a dict with string s as keys and the data as element. A nice example would be MNIST. Typically, get_example would return a dict like:

{label: int, image: np.array}

Naturally, you do not have to use these keys and the dict can contain as many keys and data of any type as you want.


If you want to use batches of data you do not have to change anything but the config. Batches are automatically created based on the key batch_size which you specify in the config.

A cool feature when working with examples of nested dictionaries is, that they behave the same as their batch versions! I.e. you can access the same keys in the same order in a single example and in a batch of examples and still end up at the value or batch ofl values you would expect.

example = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 1}, 'd': [1, 2]}

# after applting our batching algorithm on a list of three of the above examples:
batch_of_3_examples = {'a': [1, 1, 1], 'b': {'c': [1, 1, 1]}, 'd': [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]]}

example['a'] == 1  # True
example['d'][0] == 1  # True

batch_of_3_examples['a'] == [1, 1, 1]  # True
batch_of_3_examples['d'][0] == [1, 1, 1]  # True

This comes in especially handy when you use the utility functions found at edflow.util for handling nested structures, as you now can use the same keys anytime:

from edflow.util import retrieve

retrieve(example, 'a') == 1  # True
retrieve(example, 'd/0') == 1  # True

retrieve(batch_of_3_examples, 'a') == [1, 1, 1]  # True
retrieve(batch_of_3_examples, 'd/0') == [1, 1, 1]  # True

Advanced Data Sets

There is a wealth of Dataset manipulation classes, which almost all manipulate the base dataset by manipulating the indices passed to the dataset.

  • SubDataset

  • SequenceDataset

  • ConcatenatedDataset

  • ExampleConcatenatedDataset

More exist, but the above are the ones used most as a recent survey has shown 2.


Johannes Haux: I use SubDataset, SequenceDataset, ConcatenatedDataset, ExampleConcatenatedDataset. The rest I do not use.

Dataset Workflow


Datasets, which are specified in the edflow config, must accept one positional argument config!

A basic workflow with data in edflow looks like this:

  1. Load the raw data into some DatasetMixin derived custom class.

  2. Use this dataset in a different class, which accepts a config-dictionary, containing all relevant parameters, e.g. for making splits (e.g. train, valid).

This workflow allows to separate the raw loading of the data and reusing it in various settings. Of course you can merge both steps or add many more.


You can also define a function, which accepts a config, to build you Dataset __class__. During construction of the dataset, edflow only expects the module defined in the config behind dataset to accept the config as parameter. This behaviour is discouraged though, as one cannot inherit from those functions, limiting reusability.

It is also worth noting, that limiting the nestedness of your Dataset pipeline greatly increases reusability as it helps understanding what is happening to the raw data.

To further increase the usefulness of your datasets always add documentation and especially add an example, of what an example from you dataset might look like. This can be beautifully done using the function edflow.util.pp2mkdtable(), which formats the content of the example as markdown grid-table:

from edflow.util import pp2mkdtable

D = MyDataset()
example = D[10]

nicely_formatted_string = pp2mkdtable(example)

# Just copy it from the terminal

# Or write it to a file
with open('', 'w+') as example_file:


Given a dataset and an arbitrary list of indices, which must be in the range [0, len(dataset_], it will change the way the indices are interpreted.