Source code for edflow.explore

import os
import sys
import random
import argparse
import yaml
import streamlit as st
from edflow.config import parse_unknown_args, update_config

import numpy as np
from edflow.util import walk, pp2mkdtable
from edflow import get_obj_from_str

[docs]def isimage(obj): return ( isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and len(obj.shape) == 3 and obj.shape[2] in [1, 3, 4] )
[docs]def isflow(obj): return isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and len(obj.shape) == 3 and obj.shape[2] in [2]
[docs]def istext(obj): return isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, np.integer, np.float))
[docs]def display_default(obj): if isimage(obj): return "Image" elif istext(obj): return "Text" elif isflow(obj): return "Flow" else: return "None"
[docs]def display(key, obj): st.subheader(key) sel = selector(key, obj) if sel == "Text": st.text(obj) elif sel == "Image": st.image((obj + 1.0) / 2.0) elif sel == "Flow": import flowiz as fz img = fz.convert_from_flow(obj) st.image(img)
[docs]def selector(key, obj): options = ["Auto", "Text", "Image", "Flow", "None"] idx = options.index(display_default(obj)) select = st.selectbox("Display {} as".format(key), options, index=idx) return select
[docs]def show_example(dset, idx): ex = dset[idx] st.header("Keys") walk(ex, display, pass_key=True) st.header("Summary") summary = pp2mkdtable(ex, jupyter_style=True) # print markdown summary on console for easy copy and pasting in readme etc print(summary) st.markdown(summary)
def _get_state(config): Dataset = get_obj_from_str(config["dataset"]) dataset = Dataset(config) return dataset
[docs]def explore(config, disable_cache=False): if not disable_cache: get_state = st.cache(persist=False, allow_output_mutation=True)(_get_state) else: get_state = _get_state dset = get_state(config) dset.expand = True st.title("Dataset Explorer: {}".format(type(dset).__name__)) input_method = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Index selection method", ["Slider", "Number input", "Sample"] ) if input_method == "Slider": idx = st.sidebar.slider("Index", 0, len(dset), 0) elif input_method == "Number input": idx = st.sidebar.number_input("Index", 0, len(dset), 0) elif input_method == "Sample": idx = 0 if st.sidebar.button("Sample"): idx = np.random.choice(len(dset)) st.sidebar.text("Index: {}".format(idx)) show_example(dset, idx) st.header("config") cfg_string = pp2mkdtable(config, jupyter_style=True) cfg = st.markdown(cfg_string)
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="edflow dataset explorer") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--disable_cache", action="store_true", help="Disable caching dataset instantiation.", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--base", nargs="*", metavar="config.yaml", help="Paths to base configs.", default=list(), ) try: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) opt, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() additional_kwargs = parse_unknown_args(unknown) config = dict() for base_config in opt.base: with open(base_config) as f: config.update(yaml.full_load(f)) update_config(config, additional_kwargs) except SystemExit as e: # This exception will be raised if --help or invalid command line arguments # are used. Currently streamlit prevents the program from exiting normally # so we have to do a hard exit. os._exit(e.code) explore(config, disable_cache=opt.disable_cache)