
Iterators are the ‘main hub’ in EDFlow. They combine all other elements and manage the actual workflow.

You may have noticed that iterators are sometimes also called ‘Trainers’. That’s because the Iterator actually trains the model during the training phase. Afterwards the evaluator also qualifies as a more or less altered iterator.

The iterators init must include:

  • initialisation of the model

  • initialisation of the hooks and extension to the list of hooks

  • super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) to invoke the __init__ of its parent

  • a step_ops() method that return a list of operations to execute on the feeds.

For machine learning purposes the step_ops method should always return a train_ops` operation which calculates losses for the optimizer and returns the loss score.

Training logic should be implemented in the run(fetches, feed_dict) method. For instance, alternating training steps for GANs can be achieved by adding/removing the respective training operations from fetches. Many more possibilities, like exchanging the optimizer etc. are imaginable.

EDFlow provides a number of iterators out of the box, that feature most tools usually needed.

  • PyHookedModelIterator

  • TFHookedModelIterator

  • TFBaseTrainer

  • TFBaseEvaluator

  • TFFrequencyTrainer

  • TFListTrainer

  • TorchHookedModelIterator

Epochs and Global Step

In one epoch you iterate through your whole dataset. If your specify a number of training steps then EDflow will run as many epochs as possible with the given dataset but not finish an epoch if the desired training step is reached. num_steps trumps num_epochs

Accessing a Set of Fixed Examples

Sometimes it is useful to log the behavior of the model on a fixed batch of examples. To do this, one can access a set of fixed examples through iterators.template_iterator.TemplateIterator.get_fixed_examples. The indices of the fixed examples are chosen randomly on the length of the dataset by default. One can specify a list of fixed indices through the config in the following way.

    train: [0, 1, 2, 3]
    validation: [0, 1, 2, 3]

From within the iterator, the fixed examples can be access as follows

def step_op(self, model, **kwargs):
    def log_op():
        fixed_examples = self.get_fixed_examples("validation")
        # Do fancy stuff
        logs["fixed_metric"] = foo_bar(fixed_examples)