

Git integration can be enabled with the config parameter --integrations/git True. This assumes that you are starting edflow in a directory which is part of a git repository. For every run of edflow, git integration amounts to creating a tagged commit that contains a snapshot of all .py and .yaml files found under code_root, and all git tracked files at the time of the run. The name of the tag can be found as git_tag: <tag> in the log.txt of the run directory. You can get an overview of all tags with git tag. This allows you to easily compare your working directory to the code used in a previous experiment with git diff <tag> (git ignores untracked files in the working directory for its diff, so you might want to add them first), or two experiments you ran with git diff <tag1> <tag2>. Furthermore, it allows you to reproduce or continue training of an old experiment with git checkout <tag>.


Weights and biases integration can be enabled with the config parameter --integrations/wandb/active True. By default, this will log the config, scalar logging values and images to weights and biases. To disable image logging use --integrations/wandb/handlers '["scalars"]'.


Tensorboard integration can be enabled with the config parameter --integrations/tensorboard/active True. By default, this will log the config, scalar logging values and images to tensorboard. To disable image logging use --integrations/tensorboard/handlers '["scalars"]'.


By default, each image output is logged to a folder in ./logs/xxx. The image format can be changed by changing the config as follows

        image_format: png # png or jpg. jpg saves a lot of space